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Rosenstraße 44
Winterbach, 73650

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Key Contact Personnel:
Regional Sales Management UK & Nordics: Dave

Regional Sales Management Global South
(Europe South, Africa, South America):

Regional Sales Management Central Europe
(Europe DACH, East & South East Europe, Russia):
Philipp Marty

Regional Sales Management Asia Pacific
(Bangladesh, China, Far East, Australia, New Zealand):

Regional Sales Management Eastern Europe, Middle East and India:
Anto Simunovic

Regional Sales Management North America:
Marcus Horn

Year Founded: 1921
Total Number of Employees: 1,200
Total Annual Sales: EUR 334 million
Quality Certifications: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018
Major Export Markets Served: Worldwide
Range of Products Offered: Development, manufacture and sale of products and system solutions for power transmission and power distribution from 110 V up to 1,100 kV.
Application Range:Overhead Lines, Composite Insulators, Overhead Lines Fittings, Overhead Line Accessories, Post Composite Insulators, Hollow Composite Insulators, Cable Systems, Substations, Renewables, Safety Equipment, Power Distribution, Industry, Quick Deploy Solutions



OHL System Solutions: “everything except conductor and tower”

Insulator Strings: complete insulator strings according to customer specification,
lab tested and time proven in the field, standard or complex including insulators, fittings and accessories.
Compact Line Solutions: innovative assemblies designed for the most demanding applications.
Simulations & Tests: electrical & mechanical simulations and tests, analytical damping studies, own engineering and test fields
Silicone Composite Insulators: complete range of long rod and post insulators,
AC and DC applications, up to 1000 kN and 1000 kV.
High quality injection moulded and modular manufacturing technologies available:
• hollow core insulators
• long rod insulators
• post insulators
• special applications
Overhead Line Strings and Line Fittings: string fittings, protection fittings, preformed rods, bundle spacers, tension, suspension and conductor clamps
Warning Spheres made of pigmented polyamide or polyethylene in different colours
Damping Systems: damping studies, stockbridge dampers, spacer dampers
Vibration Recorders for rent or purchase
Services: engineering design and testing, independent field diagnostics and failure investigations, in-service condition evaluation, corona and vibration measurement and evaluation
Safety Equipment: voltage detectors, earthing & short circuiting, earthing poles


We design and manufacture solid and hollow core HTV Silicone composite for AC and DC applications across all voltage and mechanical strength classes, according to international standards and customer specifications.
Long-Rod (Suspension) Insulators
Line-Post Insulators
Medium Voltage Insulators
Railway Insulators
Station Post Insulators
Insulators for GI Bushings
Switch and Busbar Insulators
Insulators for Surge Arresters
Insulators for Cable Terminations
Insulators for DC Converter Stations

Accessories for Cables, Transformers & GIS

Connection Systems: Sockets for transformers and GIS, dry-type pluggable cable terminations, -bushings, -surge arresters, -casted joints, product systems for testing and protection, link boxes, GIS SF6 outdoor bushing.
Terminations: Self-supporting dry-type terminations with integrated surge arrester, self-supporting dry-type terminations for substations and transmission towers, flexible dry-type terminations for substations, conventional cable terminations (silicone and porcelain).
GIS Bushings: Ceramic and HTV silicone rubber composite, all voltage classes.
Joints: Slip-on joints with different shielding designs, with or without bonding or grounding cable.
Services: Global installation services, global training and cable system projects.




Sales Representation in Foreign Markets

Contact head office for representative details by country or visit our website

Location of manufacturing plants:

USA, Germany, Czech Republic